Star Alliance selects preferred vendors for sales audit and revenue protection services

Frankfurt, GERMANY – Star Alliance has selected two preferred vendors to perform audit and revenue protection services for its member airlines. The appointment of both WNS and Zero Octa is the outcome of a central selection process often undertaken by Star Alliance on behalf of its member carriers. As a result, participating member carriers can now contract their individual requirements from two of the industry’s leading providers, at favourable conditions and also expand the scope of the work.

Both vendors will offer a variety of audit services to protect carriers’ revenue. Even though pricing and ticketing is today largely an automated process, a certain number of tickets are still issued incorrectly. Ticketing errors include (but are not limited to) issuing with the wrong fare, using an incorrect fare basis or a class that does not match the fare paid as well as not collecting change and rebooking fees. In these cases it is standard practice for airlines to recover the lost revenue from the issuing agent. Industry-wide, it is estimated that airlines can lose between three and four percent of their potential revenue from these kinds of errors .

“In the case of Zero Octa, we are very pleased that we can continue and build on the cooperation which began back in 2005. All participating member carriers have managed to increase the percentage of recovered revenue and they look forward to a continued success relationship with Zero Octa,” said Christopher Korenke, VP Commercial, Star Alliance.

Speaking on the occasion, Peter O’Sullivan – Head of Business at Zero Octa, said: “We are delighted to be continuing our long association with Star Alliance. This new contract reaffirms our standing in the market today. Quality, speed, accuracy and diligent customer service have been the cornerstones of our business – and we are sure that Star Alliance member airlines will continue to benefit from our services.”

On the appointment of a second vendor WNS Christopher Korenke said: “Star Alliance has significantly grown in terms of member carriers since 2005. Coupled with the need to expand the geographic scope of revenue protection, we decided to select WNS as a second vendor, thereby better covering the needs of our member carriers.”

“This engagement with Star Alliance is testimony to WNS's reputation as a provider of business processes in the travel and leisure industry for over a decade now. Our Verifare platform is modular and can provide comprehensive auditing of all tickets sold world-wide for an airline. With our qualified and experienced talent pool and strong focus on operational excellence, we will support Star Alliance and its member carriers to increase their process efficiencies, save on costs and enhance recoveries,” said Keshav R. Murugesh, Group CEO, WNS Global Services. “WNS is fully committed towards making this a long-term and successful relationship,” he added.

WNS delivers a complete range of business processes to support the travel and leisure industry, including sales, contact centre operations and shared services. It offers end-to-end delivery of over 140 business processes, supported by 6000+ associates.

As part of the entire process, Star Alliance has also created a Sales Audit Task Force as a best practice exchange between the carriers.


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Over Brussels Airlines

Brussels Airlines is de nationale luchtvaartmaatschappij van België en één van de vier netwerkmaatschappijen van de Lufthansa Group. Ze verbindt de Europese hoofdstad vanuit Brussels Airport met meer dan 90 bestemmingen, waarvan 18 in Sub Sahara Afrika. Het bedrijf stelt meer dan 3.500 werknemers te werk en exploiteert 44 vliegtuigen.

Brussels Airlines wil tegen 2030 50% minder CO2 uitstoten vergeleken met 2019 en plant om tegen 2050 CO2-neutraal te zijn. De luchtvaartmaatschappij neemt deel aan het Stargate Project dat door Brussels Airport wordt geleid en maakt daardoor deel uit van de proeftuin voor duurzame luchtvaart op haar thuisbasis. Daarnaast ondertekende de maatschappij in 2021 de Circular Economy overeenkomst van de Antwerp Management School. Begin 2023, was de luchtvaartmaatschappij ook de eerste om duurzame brandstof (SAF = Sustainable Aviation Fuel) te transporteren doorheen de CEPS-pijplijn die Brussels Airport verbindt. Sinds eind 2024, heeft Brussels Airlines vijf splinternieuwe Airbus A320neo vliegtuigen verwelkomd, waardoor de luchtvaartmaatschappij haar CO2- en geluidsuitstoot op haar middellange afstandsnetwerk significant kan verlagen.

Als ambassadeur van haar land brengt Brussels Airlines de wereld naar België en het beste van België naar de wereld, onder meer via samenwerkingen met Belgische sterrenchefs, Belgische culinaire producten en de Belgian Icons, speciaal beschilderde vliegtuigen die een Belgische iconisch persoon, team of evenement huldigen om de Belgische cultuur wereldwijd te promoten.

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Over Star Alliance

Het Star Alliance netwerk, dat in 1997 werd opgericht als de eerste echte wereldwijde luchtvaartalliantie, is gebaseerd op een waardeproposities voor de klant met wereldwijd bereik, internationale erkenning en naadloze service. Sinds de oprichting biedt het het grootste en meest uitgebreide netwerk van luchtvaartmaatschappijen aan, met een focus op het verbeteren van de klantervaring tijdens het hele traject binnen de alliantie.

In totaal biedt het Star Alliance netwerk momenteel meer dan 17.500 dagelijkse vluchten naar meer dan 1.150 luchthavens in bijna 190 landen.

Persdienst Star Alliance: +65 8729 6691;
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