Star Alliance: Strong and steady demand for conventions and meetings travel

FRANKFURT, Germany – The dedicated conventions and meetings travel products offered by the Star Alliance network once again grew over the past 12 months, bucking the overall industry trend following the worldwide economic downturn in 2010.

Commenting ahead of next week’s IMEX trade show in Frankfurt, Roswitha Clement, Senior Manager Conventions and Meetings at Star Alliance said: “The conventions and meetings market proved to be the most resilient segment for Star Alliance over the last year. The number of Conventions Plus contracts grew by more than 15%; with our Meetings Plus offer attracting twice the number of organisers than in the same period last year. Current figures indicate that we can remain just as optimistic for 2011 as a whole.”

Star Alliance will be showcasing its Conventions Plus and Meetings Plus products at stand F690, during the IMEX trade fair, which will be held in Frankfurt, Germany from May 24th through May 26th, 2011. Clement added: “IMEX is the essential world-wide exhibition for meetings and incentive travel and Star Alliance will be participating for the sixth year running. For us, IMEX provides an ideal platform to interact with existing customers as well as to acquire new business in the conventions and meetings industry.”

In order to reach even more potential customers, Star Alliance will also be exhibiting at the new IMEX Americas trade show being held in Las Vegas from October 11th to 13th.

Conventions Plus
Star Alliance Conventions Plus has provided simplified travel solutions to event organisers for nearly a decade. More recently the product was extended beyond traditional conventions to include travel arrangements for major cultural and sporting events. Under Conventions Plus, organisers have access to the entire Alliance network through one of the member airlines, with the organiser also receiving a support programme which includes tickets and promotional assistance. In general, delegates are entitled to fare discounts ranging from 10 to 20 percent, depending on the type of fare, class of travel and airline used. Travel can be either in Business or Economy Class, and one companion per delegate may also travel on the delegate fare discounts. For further details on Conventions Plus please see:

Meetings Plus
Two years ago Star Alliance launched Meetings Plus as a global product for the meetings market. Companies, meeting planners and incentive agencies needing to organise gatherings with participants from different countries, have access to the entire Star Alliance network and discounted fares, by contracting their travel needs through just one Star Alliance member airline. Meetings Plus can be used for most meetings of 50 people or more, with attendees originating in at least three different countries. For further details or to submit an RFP please see

In addition to participating at IMEX, Star Alliance is also supporting MEETINGS:review, the web TV and news resource for the international meetings/MICE community. Since early this year, a new MEETINGS:review TV channel - MEETING:the World, has taken to the skies on a global tour of the most exciting destinations for the meetings/MICE community in the world, delivering a regional online TV series to its world-wide distribution of 200,000 meeting professionals. Log onto for further information and the chance to win a Star Alliance Round-the-World ticket for two.


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Over Brussels Airlines

Brussels Airlines is de nationale luchtvaartmaatschappij van België en één van de vier netwerkmaatschappijen van de Lufthansa Group. Ze verbindt de Europese hoofdstad vanuit Brussels Airport met meer dan 90 bestemmingen, waarvan 18 in Sub Sahara Afrika. Het bedrijf stelt meer dan 3.500 werknemers te werk en exploiteert 44 vliegtuigen.

Brussels Airlines wil tegen 2030 50% minder CO2 uitstoten vergeleken met 2019 en plant om tegen 2050 CO2-neutraal te zijn. De luchtvaartmaatschappij neemt deel aan het Stargate Project dat door Brussels Airport wordt geleid en maakt daardoor deel uit van de proeftuin voor duurzame luchtvaart op haar thuisbasis. Daarnaast ondertekende de maatschappij in 2021 de Circular Economy overeenkomst van de Antwerp Management School. Begin 2023, was de luchtvaartmaatschappij ook de eerste om duurzame brandstof (SAF = Sustainable Aviation Fuel) te transporteren doorheen de CEPS-pijplijn die Brussels Airport verbindt. Sinds eind 2024, heeft Brussels Airlines vijf splinternieuwe Airbus A320neo vliegtuigen verwelkomd, waardoor de luchtvaartmaatschappij haar CO2- en geluidsuitstoot op haar middellange afstandsnetwerk significant kan verlagen.

Als ambassadeur van haar land brengt Brussels Airlines de wereld naar België en het beste van België naar de wereld, onder meer via samenwerkingen met Belgische sterrenchefs, Belgische culinaire producten en de Belgian Icons, speciaal beschilderde vliegtuigen die een Belgische iconisch persoon, team of evenement huldigen om de Belgische cultuur wereldwijd te promoten.

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Over Star Alliance

Het Star Alliance netwerk, dat in 1997 werd opgericht als de eerste echte wereldwijde luchtvaartalliantie, is gebaseerd op een waardeproposities voor de klant met wereldwijd bereik, internationale erkenning en naadloze service. Sinds de oprichting biedt het het grootste en meest uitgebreide netwerk van luchtvaartmaatschappijen aan, met een focus op het verbeteren van de klantervaring tijdens het hele traject binnen de alliantie.

In totaal biedt het Star Alliance netwerk momenteel meer dan 17.500 dagelijkse vluchten naar meer dan 1.150 luchthavens in bijna 190 landen.

Persdienst Star Alliance: +65 8729 6691;
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