Brussels Airlines and union delegations reach agreement
Today, Brussels Airlines and the union delegates representing the pilots, cabin crew and non-flying staff (including maintenance) of the Belgian company have reached an agreement and herewith make an end to an intensive negotiation period.
The agreement is in line with the targets set by the performance improvement plan Beyond 2012-2013 that aims to bring the company back to profitability by 2014.
Bernard Gustin, CEO of Brussels Airlines, qualifies this agreement as a significant step for the Belgian airline, demonstrating the strong engagement of both sides towards the future of the company: “We are extremely satisfied that the agreements reached are taking the requirements and interests of all parties into consideration. Union delegates and management have committed themselves to make mutual concessions in order to safeguard jobs and create growth perspectives for our company by significantly increasing our competitiveness”.
All stakeholders within the company are contributing
“The agreements with the pilot, cabin and non-flying community are a crucial milestone for Brussels Airlines. I wish to thank all staff members and union delegates for their commitment and contribution. By strengthening our competitiveness we can offer long-term growth prospects to our company and our partners” says Bernard Gustin.
Details of the agreement
The main topics discussed at the negotiation table were structural measures, such as productivity improvement and seasonality, and temporary measures, like a part-time working regime (for the cockpit crews) and a salary freeze.
Structural measures, such as:
- Productivity improvement on the European & long haul network, in line with the economic objectives set at the start of the process
- Adaptation of operations to the summer & winter season
- Competitive flight time/duty time
Temporary measures, such as:
- Part-time regime
- Salary freeze by keeping the wage scale (barema) at the same level until 2015